Thursday, March 08, 2012

Jonathan Edwards on the function of the Holy Spirit in the bond of Union

Jonathan Edwards not only asserts that the Holy Spirit is the bond of the Trinity, but also the perfect bond of the two natures of Christ (hypostatic union), the bond of the Church to Christ, and the bond of believers to each other in the Church. Edwards fully asserts that the Holy Spirit is God and a person, but his main ministry is creating the bond of unions.

Both the holiness and happiness of the Godhead consists in this love. As we have already proved all creature holiness consists essentially and summarily in love to God and love to other creatures; so does the holiness of God consist in His love, especially in the perfect and intimate union and love there is between the Father and the Son. But the Spirit that proceeds from the Father and the Son is the bond of this union, as it is of all holy union between the Father and the Son and between God and the creature and between the creatures among themselves.
(Jonathan Edwards, "The Treatise on Grace")

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