Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jonathan Edwards on the Disposition of a Minister/Pastor

In his sermon, Charity Contrary to a Selfish Spirit: 1 Corinthians 13:5, Edwards explains how a minister of the gospel that is controlled by Christian love should be disposed to their flock.
A Christian spirit will dispose ministers not to seek their own, not merely to seek a maintenance, aiming to get whatever they can out of their people to enrich themselves and their families, and to clothe themselves with the fleeces of their flock. But a Christian spirit will dispose them mainly to seek the good of their flock, to feed their souls as a good shepherd feeds his flock, and carefully watches over it, to lead it to good pasture, and defend it from wolves and other beasts of prey. (p. 170, Charity and its Fruits).
Compare this attitude to the attitude of TV Preachers.

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