Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jonathan Edwards on the Saints in Heaven

Here is another great quote on heaven by Jonathan Edwards.
Every saint is as a flower in the garden of God, and holy love is the fragrancy and sweet odor which they all send forth, and with which they fill that paradise. Every saint there is as a note in concert of music which sweetly harmonizes with every other note, and all together employed wholly in praising God and the Lamb; and so all helping one another to their utmost to express their love of the whole society to the glorious Father and Head of it, and to pour back love into the fountain of love, whence they are supplied and filled with love and glory. And thus they will live and thus they will reign in love, and in that godlike joy which is the blessed fruit of it, such as eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath ever entered into the heart of any in this world to conceive (cf. 1 Cor. 2:90). And thus they will live and reign forever and ever. (p. 296, Charity and its Fruits)

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