Saturday, August 31, 2013

John Owen on Why Sanctification is Misunderstood by Believers

I grabbed this quote from John Owen about our regeneration. Owen pointed out that we little understand our new nature, but how wonderful is the work the Holy Spirit has performed within us.
Believers themselves are often much unacquainted with it, either as to the apprehension of its true nature, causes, and effects, or at least as to their own interest in it. As we know not of ourselves the 'things that are wrought in us by the Spirit of God', so we seldom attend as we ought to his instruction of use in them. It may indeed seem strange, that as all believers are sanctified and made holy, they should not understand what is wrought and abides in them; but alas! How little do we know of ourselves, of what we are, and whence are our natural powers and faculties! How little do we know of these souls of ours? And what we do know , is by their operations. Is it strange then that we should be much in the dark as to this new nature, this new creature, which is from above, from God, and with which our natural reason has no acquaintance? It is new, is it wonderful, it is a work supernatural and is known only by supernatural revelation (p. 250, The Holy Spirit: It Gifts and Power

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