Monday, October 06, 2014

Take-Aways From the Fall 2014 Haiti Trip

It was repeated so often on our trip that I started to tune it out, but it was important. We kept asking each other throughout devotional times and conversations, what were we taking away from this trip to use back home.

My brain works slow, but here are a few ideas.
  • Be more intentional about making my wife more of a prayer partner. We don't pray enough together about being missional together.
  • I'm going down to Haiti again. You should have seen Pastor J's face when he saw me. Pastor Layans's was very pleased to see me as well. It was time of mutual encouragement. I pray and hope that my consistency in coming down there every 6 months will reflect God's steadfast love to the Haitians in Luly and Williamson. My prayers were answered about this trip. 
  • Be more bold with the gospel in my neighborhood and at work.
  • Keep the mission in Haiti in front of us. Grace has made a committment to the villages of Luly and Williamson. They have opened their hearts to us as we serve God together. We need to be prayerful, intentional and missional in serving them. As we have done in the past, we need to continue to bring our "A-game" to Haiti.

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