Saturday, February 12, 2005

A Year with C. S. Lewis

I just had an inquiry about C. S. Lewis resulting from my website. The inquirer was reading excerpts from "A Year with C. S. Lewis." A passage from the "Screwtape Letters" must have been his reading for the day. The inquirer asked, "Who is the Enemy in the Screwtape Letters?"I am sure the inquirer was an intelligent person, but doesn't this point out the weaknesses of these stupid excerpt books? There is an old bible study adage, "A text without a context is a pretext." It holds true for Lewis as well. The point of many passages is totally lost without the context. I haven't read this book, but from this email alone, I would definitely recommend not buying.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Ground Hogs Day

I just read Ebert's review of Ground Hogs Day. He must have written it in honor of February 2nd. He loves the movie and so do I. Bill Murray is great in the movie and all the actors are excellant. The main point of the movie is that you have to live each day to its fullest. Be the best person you can be. Carpe Diem so to speak. This, of course, is central to Existentialism, but it is somewhat true of Christianity. If the "Sermon on the Mount" teaches us anything it is that we should not worry for our future daily needs, because God will provide. Our sins our forgiven, so we should not worry about our past. We need to focus on the present. Our reward is future and present, but our behavior is present. We sin in the present. How we serve God is what we choose to do in each moment. Spending time in the Word is how we can help our moment to moment decision making. This does not negate planning to the future. We should be good stewards of our resources: time, money and effort. However, we should not waste time on worrying about our day-to-day needs. Take care of honoring God and He will take care of you.