Friday, August 24, 2007

Lewis on Old Books

A quote from C. S. Lewis from his introduction to "On The Incarnation" by Athanasius.

It is a good rule, after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between. If that is too much for you, you should at least read one old one to every three new ones.

He was arguing on how to prevent chronological snobbery in oneself.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Chariots of Fire and Work

In one of my all time favorite movies, Eric Liddell was debating about whether to continue running or go to the overseas mission in China. His counselors advised him:

"run in God's name and let the world stand back in wonder."

Of course, there is the famous quote where Liddell is trying to convince his sister that he should compete in races,

"But I've got a lot of running to do first. Jennie... Jennie... you've got to understand. I believe that God made me for a purpose... for China. But He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.... To win is to honor Him."

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

John Carter of Mars and Vocation

In the Warlord of Mars, Edgar Rice Burroughs describes pride in vocation in this way:

If I sometimes seem to take too great pride in my fighting ability, it must be remembered that fighting is my vocation. If your vocation be shoeing horses, or painting pictures, and you can do one or the other better than your fellows, then you are a fool if you are not proud of your ability. And so I am very proud that upon two planets no greater fighter has evet lived than John Carter, Prince of Helium.

p. 551, The Martian Tales Trilogy by Edgar Rice Burroughs. (Barnes and Noble)

John Carter was bestowed this fighting skill by being born on earth and living on Mars. Since he was used to the heavier gravity and thinner atmosphere of Earth, he was naturally quicker and stronger than any three martians. I think Burroughs is indicating a false pride here. Although, I am not positive. However, we are the same way. We have success in work, but God gave us our gifts, created the circumstances, and guided us. Do we have room for boasting? Or rather shall we boast only in Christ?