Monday, January 18, 2010

Grandpa Thompson

Two events happened to me this week. First, I heard through the grapevine last week that an old friend of mine, Doug, is dying of cancer. His wife died of cancer a few years ago. Fortunately, he married again and his children are mostly grown, but I'm sure they were devastated when they heard the news. The doctors told him he has only a few years to go. It was sad. The second bit of news was my daughter-in-law told me she was pregnant last Saturday (01/16/2010).

These two events started me thinking. If I were to be diagnosed with cancer what would my legacy be to my grandchild or hopefully in the future, grandchildren. I am not writing so much about my physical life, but my spiritual life. My parents loved to travel and their stories of traveling around Europe and the United States were a fascinating legacy to me. My father is also into genealogy. This too is a legacy. I've traveled some for work, but I would like to think I would pass down a more spiritual legacy. I've study the bible for years. I've read C. S. Lewis, R. C. Sproul, John Piper, Jonathan Edwards, John Owens, Alistair McGrath, Francis Schaefer, and J. I. Packer, and so much more. I've taken quite a spiritual journey for someone who is not a seminarian or scholastically trained in theology. I am wondering is there a way to pass this journey, this passion, onto my grandchild.

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