Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gloria and Luke 15:10

"Gloria!" I shouted at a quickly receding figure on the sidewalk.
"Jeff" replied Gloria as she bounced to a stop and turned around. "Guess what?" she asked as she walked towards me.
"You made a decision." I asserted tentatively.
"Yep, I'm a Christian." Gloria smiled. We were talking outside near Currier Hall. It was May at the end of the spring semester of my fourth but not my final year at the University of Iowa. It was a perfect spring day in Iowa.
She was my neighbor on the dorm floor. Her roommate was the girlfriend of the guy across the hall from me. We all hung out together at the dining hall and in our hall. She had been talking to some Christian friends of mine. We had sporadic conversations throughout the semester about my beliefs. Her biggest sticking point was what would other people think.
"You know what I keep thinking about?" She queried. Her eyes sparkled as she teased me.
"I don't know." I replied.
"You told me once that thousands of angels would rejoice if I became a Christian. I keep thinking about all those angels cheering."
"Luke 15:10" I said, remembering the conversation. I looked at her. She seemed at peace. Her faced beamed with heavenly joy. I'd never seen anyone so happy. I said, "I'm sure they are. Rita and the gang must be really happy."
She said softly, "Thank you, Jeff."
"You're welcome." I replied. She walked away. She graduated that semester. I never saw Gloria again.

I understood the economy of heaven better that day. God rejoices before angels over repenting sinners. Angels rejoice before God at His rejoicing. Heaven will be an eternal rejoicing of saints and angels over a God who is joying over them.

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