Friday, June 01, 2012

Tyndale's Key to Interpreting Scripture

David Teems, in his biography of Tyndale, describes Tyndale's approach to the Bible.

Even his [Tyndale] Englishing of the Scripture has something to tell us. To William Tyndale, the Word of God is a living thing. It has both warmth and intellect. It has discretion, generosity, subtlety, movement, authority. It has a heart and a pulse. It keeps a beat and has a musical voice that allows it to sing. It enchants and it soothes. It argues and it forgives. It defends and it reasons. It intoxicates and it restores. It weeps and it exults. It thunders but never roars. It calls but never begs. And it always loves. Indeed, for Tyndale, love is the code that unlocks and empowers the Scripture. His inquiry into Scripture is always relational, never analytic.
(p. xvii, Tyndale: The Man Who Gave God an English Voice)

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