Thursday, November 22, 2012

John Frame on the biblical world view

I am reading John Frame's The Doctrine God. The book is written in this century, so it is a rare read for me. It has won awards and comes highly recommended so I have high expectations. On page 25, I have already found a good quote about the biblical world view.
Thus we learn something very important about the biblical worldview. In Scripture, the personal is greater than the impersonal. The impersonal things and forces in this world are created and directed by a personal God. According to naturalistic thought, all persons in the world are the product of impersonal forces, and they can best be understood by reducing them to impersonal bits of matter and energy, or by making them aspects of an impersonal oneness. In these views, persons are reducible to the impersonal. But in the biblical view, the impersonal reduces to the personal. Matter, energy, motion, time, and space are under the rule of a personal Lord. All the wonderful things that we find in personality--intelligence, compassion, creativity, love, justice--are not ephemeral data, doomed to be snuffed out in cosmic calamity; rather, they are aspects of what is most permanent, most ultimate. They are what the universe is really all about.

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