Saturday, October 11, 2014

2014 Fall Haiti Mission Trip Story 1

My favorite experience on this last trip only involved me tangentially. Kevin and his high school senior son, Cameron, were more involved, but ultimately the story was about how God glorified Himself through us. On our last day of clinic in Luly, things were winding down. New patients were not showing up. Team members were either standing around or playing with the children. I was hanging out with Aland, a 17-year-old kid I met from my last trip in March. I was trying to read the Creole Bible to Aland and Aland was trying to read the English Bible to me. Aland was good at sounding out English words, but only knew a few words of English. Pastor Dan and I talked about seeing Pastor Layans up at the school, but Dan did not have time. I knew that Kevin and Cameron were leading a high school boy conference at the school. Kim and Abby were spending time with a girl's class. So I knew if I could get up there, I would have a ride back. I also knew that the school was not far away from where we set up the clinic. I asked Aland through a translator if he could lead me up the hill to the school. I also asked the translator if he thought it was safe and he said yes. Aland and I took off walking.

Aland and I followed the street for a while, but after a 1/4 of mile we jumped a small ditch and walked in a small gully masquerading as a path. People from their front door saw me, laughed, good-naturedly mocked me and yelled, "Bon Jou," which was "Good Morning!" in Creole. It was well past 3:00 p.m. Aland took me to his mother's house. He handed the "Gospel of John" in Creole to his mother, which I gave to him earlier. She smiled and waved. Aland introduced me to her and we continued on. Aland's cousins joined us on the trip to the school. It was hot and it was very bright. I started to wonder how wise it was to make this trip without a hat, but we arrived at the school in a few minutes.

When we entered the school compound, I asked a random adult, "Pastor Layans?" The man responded in English that Layans was not there that day. Aland just kept walking, while I followed him I tried to decide what to do next. Aland led me to a door to a classroom and opened it. To my surprise, Kevin and Cameron were there with Patrick, their interpreter. There was about 50 boys ranging from the ages of 13 to 18. Kevin was coming to the end of his talk. Some of the students were getting restless, but on the whole they responded very well to Kevin's talk. Kevin summarized what he and Cameron talked about, thanked them, and prayed. Kevin dismissed the boys, but about 1/3 of the class stayed in the classroom. Patrick repeated that they were dismissed and they were free to go. One lone boy raised his hand and asked Patrick if he could accept Christ. Patrick responded that he knew him and said he thought the boy was a Christian. The boy timidly insisted that he wanted to accept Christ. Kevin looked surprised, but said we could pray with him. 13 other boys raised their hands and said that they would like to pray too. Kevin and Cameron looked even more surprised and Kevin said yes. Kevin led them in the sinner's prayer; Patrick translated and the boys repeated. He confessed their sins, he repented of their ways, and confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Patrick was from Luly and he knew these boys. After he was done translating, he shook his head, smiled, and took their names down.

I talked to Kevin afterward. He said he all he did was teach some scripture and told the story of his conversion. Cameron taught about the "Parable of the Soils" and told his testimony. There was no altar call and no explicit gospel message like the Roman Road. Kevin said it was just God showing up and displaying His power. For some reason, God led me that classroom so I could witness that display of His power. I had a rough, but fruitful day on Monday, but that Tuesday, God just blessed me with displays of His love and power. As a further blessing, God gave me a ride on a motorcycle with my buddy Patrick. After the prayers, Pat, the World Wide Village coordinater, strolled by, saw me and asked me, how did I get up there? I told her and she said the Durango was packed and asked how I was going to get back down to the clinic? I was about ready to say I could walk, but Patrick said I could ride with him on his "moto," which were ubiquitous in Haiti. I looked at Pat and she said it was safe so that's how I got back to the clinic.

What did I learn from this experience?
  • First, having our youth going with us was very important. Cameron was almost monosyllabic in his conversations with me, but God used him and Anderson's daughter, Abby in mighty ways down there.
  • Second, John 3:8 is:
    "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit”
    The Holy Spirit brings people into the Kingdom of God through Christ's work on the cross. God uses our preparations, but the Holy Spirit can choose bring people into His family at anytime. Kevin and Cameron may have viewed their talks as a time of encouragement to young believers, but Holy Spirit chooses times like these to awaken the people's hearts to the Gospel.
  • Third, as for me, God sometimes chooses just to display His power and love to His people. I am wrapping my head around why God wanted me there to witness Kevin and Cameron's evangelism, but I plan to follow the Psalmist's example
    Psalm 66:1-6
    Shout for joy to God, all the earth;
    sing the glory of his name;
    give to him glorious praise!
    Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
    So great is your power that your enemies come cringing to you.
    All the earth worships you
    and sings praises to you;
    they sing praises to your name.” Selah

    Come and see what God has done:
    he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.
    He turned the sea into dry land;
    they passed through the river on foot.
    There did we rejoice in him,

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